Game development is fun, but incredibly difficult.
Most people think that “programmer + artist = game”. This formula can be valid for very small projects. Most often these are projects with endless gameplay and the absence of any kind of narrative.
If we take a game that is more or less filled with content, then everything is more complicated.

Let’s list the specializations required to create a game:
- Producer
- Project manager
- Screenwriter
- Game designer
- Level designer
- Concept artist

In case of 3D:
- 3D modeler
- Texture artist
- Rigger and animator

In case of 2D:
- 2D artist
- Sprite animator
- Fx-artist
- Programmer
- Technical artist
- Sound engineer
- Marketer
- PR manager
- Community manager

In the case of a commercial release of the game, the following are added:
- Lawyer
- Accountant
- In the case of an online project:
- FrontEnd developers
- Server administrators and deploers

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